Funke Akindele Reacts At Falz Moral Instruction

Funke Akindele Reacts At Falz Moral Instruction

Hi!!! Pls Take 25mins of your time today to listen to this Masterpiece #MoralInstruction by @falzthebahdguy.
Don’t just listen for listening sake,
deliberately try to pick out the messages (not just one line �) embedded in each song and see what changes you can make to either your life, community or Nigeria as a whole.

Nigeria and Nigerians need restructuring and reorientation. One step at a time we would get there but let’s take that first step NOW.
#MoralInstructionTheAlbum #AvailableEverywhere #ChangeAgent #Bahdguys
Funke Akindele Reacts At Falz Moral Instruction

Funke Akindele Reacts At Falz Moral Instruction Funke Akindele Reacts At Falz Moral Instruction Reviewed by T-MAN on January 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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